Lossiranta Gallery
Lossiranta Gallery is open during summer time in the garden of Lossiranta Lodge. Welcome!
Changing exhibitions and seasonal decorations which are available for everyone to see from the park avenue Aino Acktén puistotie.
During Christmas season, traditional Christmas crèche on display.
Lossiranta Gallery is in the garden of Lossiranta Lodge. Situated in the corner of Olavinkatu 8 and Aino Acktén puistotie.
Email: info(at)lossiranta.net
Galleria LossirantaGalleria Lossiranta | Galleria LossirantaGalleria Lossiranta | Galleria LossirantaGalleria Lossiranta |
Galleria LossirantaGalleria Lossiranta |
Lossiranta Gallery has changing exhibitions. Exhibition windows open towards Aino Ackté park boulevard.
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Yhteydenotot: Christine Lund hotel(at)lossiranta.net